What I Have Learned – #40 (April 2023)

I have learned that it is much better to be a “learn-it-all” versus a “know-it-all.” I have learned that my daily actions indicate and reveal what I truly value in life. I have learned to not allow the little voice in my head to dominate my decisions. I have learned that I must have the…

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What I Have Learned – #39 (March 2023)

I have learned that the more I have invested into something, the more I pay attention to it. I have learned that tragic events can either be destructive or they can be one of the greatest turning points of someone’s life. I have learned that I will reap what I sow. I have learned that…

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What I Have Learned – #38 (February 2023)

I have learned that completing bucket list items now adds additional excitement and momentum towards completing the next ones. I have learned a better life comes from better daily habits. I have learned that the way I speak to myself matters – A lot. I have learned to just keep learning, loving, and living. I…

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What I Have Learned – #37 (January 2023)

I have learned that I am on this earth for a reason. I have learned that it is best to always have a humble perspective on life. I have learned that my past has prepared me for my now and my future. I have learned that free financial education available on blogs and podcasts are…

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What I Have Learned – #36 (December 2022)

I have learned to not outsource my thinking to the so-called experts. I have learned that common sense is not as common as it once was. I have learned that emotions are contagious. I have learned to always look on the bright side of life. I have learned to live and let live. I have…

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