Make It Happen. Period.

Anyone can make excuses. Not you.
Anyone can create reasons why they didn’t do it. Not you.
Anyone can say “I just don’t know what I want.” Not you.
Anyone can blame someone or something else. Not you.
Anyone can say that they are “too busy” or don’t have the time. Not you.
Anyone can allow distractions to take them off plan. Not you.
Anyone can say that they don’t have enough experience. Not you.
Anyone can say that things aren’t “fair.” Not you.
Anyone can believe the naysayers and the critics. Not you.
Anyone can say that others have it “easier” than you. Not you.
Anyone can choose to not do anything because everything isn’t perfectly aligned. Not you.
Anyone can say that it’s just too hard. Not you.
Anyone can allow their fears to dictate their life. Not you.
Anyone can spend their time worrying. Not you.
Anyone can say that they don’t have the support that they need. Not you.
Anyone can overanalyze. Not you.
Anyone can give up. Not you.