Born To Run by Christopher McDougall
Let me start by saying that I have always been someone who has disliked running, so as I started reading this book I didn’t have high expectations. It was our monthly book for our book club so I jumped in with both feet, with an open mind and open heart. And boy am I glad I did! It was a great read across the board – engaging, intriguing, and enlightening. I found myself not wanting to put it down – always a great sign of a great book! Whether you like to run or you don’t – the story is about much more than that in my eyes and I feel you will find that too. I love finding books that allow every reader to take out of it what you want to versus telling you how to live your life, what you “should” do, etc. It was a very relaxing yet exciting read and I highly recommend it.
Here are 3 of the main lessons I have taken from this book:
1. Running doesn’t have to be a “chore.” We were born as runners, hunters, gatherers, etc., it is just that our lifestyles have taken us away from our “natural” gifts. Changing your mindset of expectations and focusing on enjoying a little run every once in awhile will be a tremendous spark to your health – body, mind, and spirit.
2. Fancy running shoes can potentially be more of a hinderance to runners versus helping them. My perception to the findings and stories is that the more “natural” the running shoe, the better it is for your feet and body.
3. There are alot of “unknown” runners that are out there in the world that don’t use stop watches, running plans, coaches, expensive shoes or clothing to be able to be some of the best runners in the world – they just love to run and it shows.
This book will be a definite asset to your Success Library as it reminds us of our history and of our natural gifts that many times we take for granted. I encourage you to pick it up and give it a shot I believe you may be surprised at how much you enjoy it – I know that was the case for me!
In Service to your Success,
Brandon Johnson
“The Positive Energy Guy”