5 Tips to Create an Inspired Work Day

Ever have one of those days when it seems like you are on auto pilot? And then do you ever have one of those days where you are inspired? This is a constant battle that we all go through on a daily basis in our professional lives.
If we could, I would say we all would want to go into our place of work inspired, ready to work, and to be productive. Our team is going to give you some tips on how to have more inspired days than auto pilot days. When following the suggestions, I recommend changing things up ever so often, because your body adapts and will want to go back into auto pilot.
1. <strong>Review your purpose. Why are you at work? If it is a career you really care about then review the company mission and take a moment to think about how you can add value to this career.</strong> <!–more–>
If you don’t care all that much about this career then ask yourself, why are you working? You need MONEY!!! The better worker you are, the better chance you have in setting yourself up to make more MONEY!!! <strong>You are a hunter and you need to go and kill something and drag it back to the cave, so get to work, because your survival depends on it. </strong>
2. <strong>Music, Music, Music. Start creating a collection of music that inspires you and listen to it. </strong> At some point in your life, you have listened to a song that gets you pumped up, inspired, or that causes you to think. You may be thinking, that is what football teams and sports people do, well they are doing it because what they are about to do is important and what you are about to do is important as well. Let the power of music get you ready for the day.
3.<strong>Get yourself moving.</strong> Whether it be a jog in the morning, push ups in your cubicle, or a walk in the park. Break the monotony of your job by doing something physical. <em>There is nothing inspiring about sitting, so when you feel yourself drifting into the realm of lethargy DO something physical to get your blood pumping.</em> I ran across a great product recently that solves this very issue, it is called “Hit the Deck” and it was created by fitness expect Jenny Evans, you can check it out and purchase it at <a href=”http://www.powerhouseperformancecoaching.com”>www.powerhouseperformancecoaching.com</a>. Taking some time to <em>move </em>will be tough because you may feel you do not have the time, however, just taking ten minutes to get yourself moving WILL increase productivity and that is what we are after.
4. <strong>Attend your University on Wheels</strong>, turn off your wild and wacky morning show on the radio and listen to a personal development book on CD or MP3. We spend an average of 20-30 minutes driving to work a day. Fill that time with interesting thoughts, ideas and philosophies to help yourself be a better person. Look at it like this, if this information can help you be a better “hunter” why would you not listen. Most of the books we talk about on this site have an audio version so it is time to head back to school and start learning at your University on Wheels. (A major thanks to Zig Zigler for this idea of a University on Wheels.)
5. <strong>Say, outloud, powerful words.</strong> Affirmations are very effective. This is where you might start rolling your eyes, or laughing, or the ultimate skeptic phrase “Yeah Right.” Look, it may sound cheesy, yet, this WILL help you get pumped up and inspired to get results. For starters I recommend reading from the 10 secret scrolls from the Og Mandino’s, The Greatest Salesman in the World. When you read these scrolls with “feeling” you will be ready for a great day. Start a club of people at work who get together and read sections of the book. If you give this your energy, your life will change for the better because you will be more productive at work.
These five tips to having an inspired day are, as my teacher Jim Rohn says, are “easy to do, but that makes them easy not to do.” The choice is yours, do you want to be on auto pilot or do you want to be inspired, productive, and have the feeling that you are making a difference? Have an inspired day!
In Your Service
James Anderson
(guest author and Leadership Trainer)