What I Have Learned – #12 (December 2020)

I have learned that having a ONE WORD/PHRASE “theme” for the year gets much better results than having New Year’s resolutions. (2021 word = TRANSITION) I have learned that the common denominator of every problem that I have ever had was….ME. I have learned that learning to say NO is an art and a necessity.…

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What I Have Learned – #11 (November 2020)

I have learned that one of the greatest secrets to a happy and successful life is to be grateful every day versus just on a holiday. I have learned that when I build clear, honest, and authentic relationships with other people there are limitless rewards that will come my way. I have learned that I…

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What I Have Learned – #10 (October 2020)

I have learned that equal opportunities in life do not equate to equal outcomes. I have learned that until I let go of the past I will never be able to create my best future. I have learned that mentoring others is one of my favorite things to do. I have learned that some things…

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What I have Learned – #9 (September 2020)

I have learned that whatever I put into my brain/eyes/ears will grow & manifest into my words & behaviors = choose wisely what I am allowing in. I have learned that the fall temperatures and colors create my favorite time of the year. I have learned that continuing to plan our meals weekly saves the…

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What I Have Learned – #8 (August 2020)

I have learned that every home owner/renter is better off when they have a set of rechargeable tools/drills/saws at their disposal. I have learned that I truly do become what I eat. I have learned that in order to become an expert in anything I must first study, learn from, and practice being an expert.…

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