What I Have Learned – #7 (July 2020)

I have learned that a handwritten note/letter to someone via snail-mail can be very powerful and heart-warming. I have learned that me being the very best version of myself is the greatest responsibility and gift that I have as a human being. I have learned that when I break an agreement I lose trust from…

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What I Have Learned – #6 (June 2020)

I have learned that Yoda’s suggestion that “You must unlearn what you have learned” is still a powerful lesson in today’s world. I have learned that the practice of patience really does build that “muscle” to be a positive resource in good times and in bad. I have learned that having a dog is one…

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What I Have Learned – #5 (May 2020)

I have learned that “catching people doing things right” is a very powerful motivator in others and is a fantastic way to live life. I have learned that an early morning outdoor walk is a fantastic way to start my day. I have learned that sharing my experiences and mentoring others is a win/win relationship.…

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What I Have Learned – #4 (April 2020)

I have learned that blaming anyone or anything else about any situation is a total waste of time and energy and it never helps the situation move forward. I have learned that honest and straightforward communication is the only way to build truly authentic, deep, and real relationships. I have learned that there are some…

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What I Have Learned – #3

I have learned that using an independent insurance broker can save us thousands of dollars annually on our auto and home insurance. I have learned that there is a huge difference in being busy and being productive. I have learned that I am either working on my/our dreams or I am working for someone else…

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