Stop comparing. Start Believing.
The only way that you will ever achieve the highest level of results in your life is when you start truly believing in yourself. No one is going to do that for you. I am talking every inch of your mind, body, and soul BELIEF in yourself. A reality of life is that one of…
Read Full PostOne word can make all the difference
A few years ago I came across a concept that has drastically impacted my life in such a positive way. It’s the concept of choosing ONE WORD that resonates with you at the time of choosing and that will be your THEME/FOCUS for the year. No more new year’s resolutions, just ONE WORD. The one…
Read Full PostMake It Happen. Period.
Anyone can make excuses. Not you. Anyone can create reasons why they didn’t do it. Not you. Anyone can say “I just don’t know what I want.” Not you. Anyone can blame someone or something else. Not you. Anyone can say that they are “too busy” or don’t have the time. Not you. Anyone can…
Read Full PostAre you willing to FAIL?
At some point on our journey in life many of us started to fear failing. And because of that, we immediately began to limit the amount of successes in business and life we could have. The ONLY THING that has ever led to any level of success in your life is the going through failure…
Read Full PostThe Blame Game is the game that you will always lose.
The moment you blame someone or something else for where you are in your life is the moment you give away your power, your ability to win, and thus the trajectory/course of your career and life. Why do I say that? Look all around you my friends. More often than not, the people that consider…
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