It’s not about time management

It is not about time, it is about your chosen priorities. Every day we each have 24 hours. What you choose to do with those 24 hours is your choice. I challenge the thinking that “I don’t have time” and suggest that your challenges with time is not about the time. Your challenge is with…

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The 3 Step Process that never fails…

That sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? It may sound too simple or too crazy, but it’s the truth. Every time I have used this 3 Step Process consistently, it has worked. Every.  Single.  Time. I’ve stopped overthinking things.   I’ve stopped feeling jealous.  I’ve stopped being judgmental. I could go on and…

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Understand that I am the problem.

This highlighted portion of the book “Flight of the Buffalo” (Belasco & Stayer) changed the trajectory of my young career in 1995. I believe that “messages” cross our paths every day that will help us move forward, unfortunately many times we are not present enough to notice them or we are not quite ready to…

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The Power of Progress

PROGRESS = MOTIVATION First things first, it is your job to motivate yourself my friends. The longer you wait for someone or something else to motivate you, the less goals, dreams, and aspirations you will achieve. That is a fact. We are all motivated in different ways by different things, however the latest research has…

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