Let It Be
Let It Go. Let It Go. (Are you singing that song yet?) I am sure you’ve been encouraged to do this from time to time in life – and I am here to encourage you once again to Let It Go. Whatever that “It” is for you. Holding onto things that are no longer serving…
Read Full PostDon’t stop until you’re proud.
Standards. The secret to life captured by one powerful word. Each and every one of us decides what standards we choose to live by on a daily basis. The moment you stop waiting for someone else to set your standards for you is the moment true freedom, success, and happiness will begin to be a…
Read Full PostLOVE what you do.
LOVE what you do. I come across many people during my travels that are in search of a job or career that will allow them the freedom to do what they love – to follow their passions. I wish that upon everyone. The challenge that most people don’t realize is in that freedom is your…
Read Full PostInspiration is a key to daily progress
Every day I look to begin my day with some form of inspiration – a book, a quote, a comment from my family, or just by sitting still and looking out the window in reflection. It is critical in order to have a happy and successful life to begin your day with some form of…
Read Full PostLive in such a way…
This saying has had a powerful influence on my life. I’ve come to learn that I can’t control the people around me, nor can I control what they think or say. The ONLY THING I can control is how I show up and live my life – and that over time will create an…
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