Leadership is an Art by Max De Pree

Leadership is an Art was strongly suggested by a colleague/mentor of mine in the organizational development business and he was “spot on” with it being one of the best books to read for anyone on a path of wanting to become a great leader. This book is written by the leader of Herman Miller, one of the most respected and successful businesses in the furniture industry. It is a very easy read with timeless insights and principles that will help you grow not only as a professional, but more importantly personally.
There are many nuggets that I’ve taken out of this book and here are three of them:
1. The 3 key elements in the art of working together are: “How to deal with change, how to deal with conflict, and how to reach our potential.” As everyone within a group/organization commits to growing and evolving in these three areas, there is no doubt that the organization will go to new heights.
2. “Life is more than reaching goals, it is about reaching our potential.” I love this!! It’s an inspiration to never get complacent or comfortable – enjoy the “ride”, but always be seeking to move forward.
3. “Leadership is more tribal than scientific, more of weaving relationships than an amassing of information.” This statement sums up the essence of this book and Max DePree’s writing style, very smooth and free flowing.
As I continue to review and study this book, the more I realize the depth of Max’s teachings. Each time I review and re-read it I get more out of it. I strongly suggest that this fantastic read be a part of your Success Library!
In Service to your Success,
Brandon Johnson
“The Positive Energy Guy”