Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard

I had heard about this book via the internet throughout the year and just didn’t take the time to pick it up. Until I met Brendon in person at his Experts Academy seminar in California. I was inspired and honored to be around a man that is so passionate about helping people be successful in business and in life and he has a very engaging and lively personality…..many of the things that I aspire to be.
I jumped at the chance to get an autographed copy of the book, to meet him in person and to begin the journey of the book after the weekend. And boy has it been worth every minute invested into reading the book! The book is inspiring and challenging all at once….helping me ask the “right” questions of how I am showing up on this earth and contributing to the world around me. I feel that you will find it very hard to put the book down once you have began the journey….it’s engaging and Brendon does a great job of enticing you to “turn the page” and continue on into the book. A really great read.
The 3 main things that I’ve taken from this book are:
1. The past is the past, don’t let it control your life. Choose to live your life fully, in the present, so that you can have the future you deserve to have. Learn from and let go of the past and move forward.
2. What are my themes/stories that have shaped my life? This book has helped me continue to think back on my life to “relive” and learn even more benefits to the various happenings.
3. Life is short so make the most of it. Live, Learn and Love while you have the opportunity to do so. Stay focused on the most important things in your life….and truly soak it all in and enjoy living the life of your dreams.
I highly recommend this book my friends. It will have an impact on your life, I guarantee you. I hope that your journey during and after reading the book is as enlightening as mine has been. Enjoy the book!
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”