Life’s Greatest Lessons (Hal Urban)

One of my ALL-TIME FAVORITES! This book has so many insights into living a full and rewarding life….for not only yourself, but for others as well. Hal’s writing style, facts, and inspirational quotes that fit into his lessons are phenomenal and have you wanting more and more.
His teaching background and examples he uses in the classroom are inspiring to know that as many more teachers teach the way Hal does, our next generation will come out of school much more prepared for the world.
This book however is not for teachers alone….it is for anyone that wants to live a stronger and better life. The valuable lessons on success, choices, relationships, motivation, and health are easily applicable and relevant to anyone…I can’t recommend this book high enough!
The 3 main things that I have taken from the book are:
1. One of my favorite chapters is entitled “We live by choice, not by chance.” It captures the book, and really our own lives, in a “nutshell” and in a positive, uplifting, yet reflective way. When we as humans accept responsibility for our choices, our lives get better!
2. False versus Real self-esteem. Real self-esteem comes from your “inside”…it cannot come externally from your career, achievements or other people….you must have esteem for yourself in order to truly live the life you deserve.
3. The world is divided into learners and non-learners. Life isn’t ultimately about success or failure, it’s about learning or not learning. The learners become successful because in every success and failure they have they use it as a learning moment and apply the lessons to their life moving forward. Non-learners on the other hand think they know it all and/or aren’t open to learning in certain situations which actually hinders their opportunity for growth.
Great stuff once again my friends…..I highly recommend you pick this book up and begin learning more about the 20 things that matter that Hal discusses. Happy Learning!
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”