LOVE what you do.

LOVE what you do.
I come across many people during my travels that are in search of a job or career that will allow them the freedom to do what they love – to follow their passions.
I wish that upon everyone. The challenge that most people don’t realize is in that freedom is your responsibility to EARN the opportunity to do just that.
That starts with you LOVING what you are doing right now. That is not something that someone else can do for you – it is your choice.
If you are a teacher, LOVE what you are doing and be one of the best in the school.
If you are a secretary, LOVE what you are doing and be one of the best in the organization.
If you are a manager, LOVE what you are doing and be one of the best in the company.
If you are a line employee, LOVE what you are doing and be one of the best on the team.
If you are a police officer, LOVE what you are doing and be one of the best in the precinct.
No matter what your job/role is in this world – LOVE IT and see what happens.
I have found that opportunities are presented to people that LOVE what they do and are the best of the best in whatever they are currently doing. If you are not one of the best now – or willing to put the work in to become the best – why would another organization or department want you to be a part of their team?
There is limited amount of people that have ever complained, whined, or blamed their way into their dream job or career my friends.
High-performing people, teams, and organizations want to surround themselves with other high-performing people.
LOVE what you do and put the work in to become one of the best performers.
A great side benefit to being a high-performer is that you will become more aware of your strengths, passions, and true value in the marketplace – which will help you take full advantage of the many opportunities that will come your way!