Man’s Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)

Millions of copies of this book have been sold in all areas of the world, as it is one of the most inspiring books around the power of the human spirit. Mr. Frankl was a survivor of one of the Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
The book takes you through his journey of how he was able to make it through such a horrific experience, yet come out of it with lessons that he taught for the rest of his life many of which that became cornerstone principles in psychology/psychiatry. His story is one that should be read by all people, as it reminds us all of what we as human beings are capable of.
The 3 main lessons that I took from this book are:
1. The Truth – that love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire. As Dr. Frankl found himself left in the world with nothing, he realized that love is all around us and in the smallest of things, and that we have a choice to discover it for ourselves at any given moment.
2. The Last of the Human Freedoms; to choose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances. How powerful it is to have a human begin go through what Dr. Frankl and many others went through and to come out on the other side with this wisdom to share with the world. Amazing!
3. Man’s main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in his life. It is unfortunate that Dr. Frankl had to go through what he had to endure in order to share with the world his insights and gifts. When we really put life in perspective and reflect, we are able to truly begin our journey of discovering the meaning of our lives and the impact we wish to have on the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I highly recommend Dr. Frankl’s book. It really helps all of us understand what the world was going through 60+ years ago and reminds us all of what we and our human spirit is capable of. Don’t delay my friends, add this book to your Success Library ASAP.
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”