Stop comparing. Start Believing.

The only way that you will ever achieve the highest level of results in your life is when you start truly believing in yourself.
No one is going to do that for you. I am talking every inch of your mind, body, and soul BELIEF in yourself.
A reality of life is that one of the biggest challenges that holds us back from believing in ourselves is comparing ourselves to others.
You will never be them. They will never be you. So stop comparing yourself to them.
Focus your time, energy, and talents on being the best version of you. Every. Single. Day. That’s it – that’s your focus.
Let others do their thing and you do yours.
I guarantee you that when you do this at 100%, your belief in yourself goes up, which then your trust in yourself goes up, which produces much better results in every aspect of your life.
This doesn’t mean you don’t model yourself after others, study the best of the best, or continue to learn and grow – it just means you are not going to worry about anyone or anything else besides being a better version of you than you were yesterday.
Trust the process and watch how much of an impact that one small thing (stop comparing yourself to others) changes the dynamic and results of your life.