The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (John C. Maxwell)

John’s first real “masterpiece” in my opinion. This book is one of the core books for anyone looking to discover their own leadership potential, as well as anyone in a leadership position.
He explores 21 “laws” of leadership that have stood the test of time….and does a great job of using stories from all realms of life to paint a clear picture of the law and gives great guidance on how to apply it into your own life. It flows very well and you will find yourself not wanting to put it down.
The 3 main lessons that I took away from the book are:
1. The Law of the Lid. The Law states that the leadership level of everyone that is reporting to you is “capped” at the level of your leadership ability or less. So if you are a level 6 leader (on a scale of 1-10), then all of your people can only rise to your level or less, because you as a leader aren’t able to guide, direct, or mentor them to a higher level because you haven’t been there yourself. Take-away = keep growing and learning your personal leadership level or you will hold everyone else down with you!
2. Leadership is a process. Becoming a leader is an on-going journey, it is not a destination. Focus on getting better each and every day…seeking wisdom, asking questions, taking action and pushing your own personal boundaries to truly move forward in your leadership abilities.
3. Law of the Big ‘Mo. Momentum….the key to success in all aspects of life. Yet it can only be created by taking action! Momentum comes from committed people working together to achieve the goals and objectives they set out to do. It’s getting things done, celebrating, and moving on to the next thing…keep the momentum rolling as it is a huge asset to any leader, team, or organization.
I don’t feel you will ever be disappointed with a John C. Maxwell book, especially his last 5-8 books, as he is so thoughtful and thorough on what he is writing about and the lesson he is teaching. This book is again, one of first “masterpieces” that must be in your personal library. Enjoy the journey of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership!
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”