The 3 Most Dangerous Words

Now, why would I say that those three words are the most dangerous? Because the moment you say that phrase internally or externally you are stopping your ability to grow, connect, and learn. I have yet to come across someone that seeks out people that are “know it all’s,” in fact, more often than not people despise them. Is that the impression you want to leave with someone – personally or professionally?
Growth only happens when you are open to learning something new. Choose to be a person that is open to new possibilities. Bring an open mind and open heart to any and all discussions and interactions and I guarantee you that you will learn something new. There are amazing people all around you, if you give them the time and attention/focus they deserve. Lead with questions and be patient with the answers that you receive. That doesn’t mean you don’t share your insights, experiences, and knowledge – it just means that you balance it out to ensure everyone’s input is heard and respected. And then from there the person(s) or group can decide the best next steps based off of all the information that is brought forth.
When you say “I KNOW THAT,” you cut off your learning. You cut off your connections. You cut off your opportunities. Pay attention to how you are showing up on a moment to moment basis – are you an eager learner and relationship builder or someone that is an eager dominator of conversations? The “I KNOW THAT” philosophy shows up in alot of ways, not just verbally, so stay focused and be aware of how your are interacting – you never know when the person you are connecting with is your next client, business partner, friend, colleague, boss, etc. The key to success is finding the blend of sharing with your willingness to listen and learn.
Do your best to eliminate that phrase from your vocabulary and watch your relationships go to the next level, which in turn will have your level of success rising as well.
In Your Service!
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”