The Critical Factor in any Relationship

As you walk through life you are either adding ENERGY to your relationships or you are taking ENERGY away. There is no in-between my friends. I define ENERGY as “how you make other people feel” – in a genuine and authentic way.
When you engage with people are you there to GIVE or are you there to TAKE?
That awareness will change your life and how you interact with people. Not just some people, but every single human interaction you have is having a positive or negative impact.
I believe we have been placed on this earth to serve – to give ENERGY to those that we have the opportunity to interact with daily.
Are you adding ENERGY to your relationship with your spouse or are you taking it away?
Are you addng ENERGY to your relationship with your kids or are you taking it away?
Are you adding ENERGY to your co-workers or are you taking it away?
Are you adding ENERGY to the people you lead or are you taking it away?
Are you adding ENERGY to your clients/guests/customers or are you taking it away?
Very powerful and profound question(s) – I invite you to challenge yourself to be honest. Have you been a GIVER of ENERGY or a TAKER?
One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou who said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
That is all ENERGY my friends.
Please be aware of your ENERGY moving forward and choose to show up in a way that represents how you want to be remembered.