The Element by Ken Robinson

I was walking through an airport a few months back when I stumbled across this book and once I opened it, I was unable to put it down. The insights, history, facts, and opinions of Mr. Robinson are admired and respected the world over as an author and speaker. I was able to watch a video of Ken speaking at a TED conference on many of the topics he covers in the book and he makes a really strong case of the world being a much better place when more of us take the time and focus to discover and live our passions. The Element is a solid read that has many “a-ha” moments in it – I actually found myself frustrated at times with various elements of big government and our education system, yet inspired to keep doing my best to be a part of the solution of creating a better future for our generations that are coming behind us.
I enjoyed many aspects of this book – here are 3 of the main things I took away from it:
1. Standardized testing is not an indication of success in life. Yet throughout our educational system we continue to use the various “tests” as the measuring stick of success for schools, teachers, and students. I am all for measurement, but when you have tests that were created years ago for different purposes AND some of the creators even saying that the tests shouldn’t be used for what they are being used for, it doesn’t make sense. It’s comfortable for people, so we don’t change it. I hope that when you read the book and do your own research, you will continue to be involved with our schools and how we are developing the future of our country.
2. Having a mentor will change your life. There is a story in the book about Pee Wee Reese, the Dodger shortstop, going over to Jackie Robinson (the 1st Black MLB player) and offering him encouragement during a particularly bad day at the ballpark for him and how Jackie stated at his Hall of Fame induction speech that Pee Wee saved his life and career that day. We never know how having or being a mentor for someone will impact their life.
3. Struggles are a part of finding your Element. The book is full of stories and experiences of now-famous people and their lives of struggle prior to being able to breakthrough and become what they were destined to be. It is believing in your dream, believing in yourself, never giving up, and allowing yourself to fail as you go after your goals in life that will lead to success.
There are many lessons in this book my friends and I found it to be very entertaining throughout – I recommend that you add this one to your Success Library and begin the journey of discovering your Element.
In Service to Your Success,
Brandon Johnson
“The Positive Energy Guy”