The Five Love Languages (Gary Chapman)

This book is primarily targeted at couples, yet I have found that understanding and applying these love languages are a key to any relationship being the best that it can be.
I have read many books and this one has really “captured” me by it’s simplicity and easy-to-understand and apply description of how all of us operate when it comes to one of the most critical aspects of life….giving and receiving love. Mr. Chapman breaks down the love languages into 5 categories (in no particular order):
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch
The three biggest lessons I took from this book were:
1. All of us tend to give and receive love through our own “primary” love language. When we take the time to understand and learn our significant other’s love language we can “speak” to them by using their love language and thus ensure they truly feel the love we have for them.
2. My wife and I had some great discussions around the various love languages and came to discover that neither one of us has “receiving gifts” very high on our list….and she told me, “Honey, that is why I am grateful you bring me flowers, but I really don’t like them!” News to me!
3. Being in a relationship is hard work and takes effort and love to truly continue to serve one another in order to create a loving and nurturing relationship that will last a lifetime. And understanding and using the love languages to communicate to one another makes both parties truly feel appreciated and valued.
I highly recommend this book and encourage you to not only read it if you are in a relationship….it will serve you in many areas of your life. Enjoy the book!
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”