The Four Levels of COMMITMENT

In our daily lives we commit to alot of things, personally and professionally, yet many times we don’t achieve all of the things we set out to do. I believe there are a few reasons for that. First of all, we tend to over-commit.
We believe we can be involved and accomplish so many things that we end up doing many things at an “average” level versus doing a few things at our very best and moving on to the next thing. We over-commit ourselves to our families, our friends, our businesses and organizations, and even our communities.
It is time to fully COMMIT to some things and do them at a level 10 or let someone else do it, our world deserves that courtesy my friends. The other reason we don’t achieve the things we set out to do, is that we agree to do some things yet we go into it without fully committing. What I mean by that is this, there are FOUR LEVELS OF COMMITMENT and as you take a “step up” onto the next level you will find that your level of RESULTS in your life will increase as well.
So are you ready for the four levels of COMMITMENT?
Level One: “I should”
This is the level where you are very much “in your head” and thinking that you should do this, you should do that, yet you never get around to it. Folks being in the “I should” level will never get you the results in life you deserve.
Level Two: “I want”
This level is the next one up. You atleast are now putting some emotion into your commitment, yet you still are not fully bought in to the motion of accomplishing the task at hand. Many of us “want” to be a better father, a better employee, a better leader, yet we aren’t willing to put the work in, because it is just a “want” at this time.
Level Three: “I need”
Ok, now we are talking a little bit. At this level we’ve added in the physical compenent of actually “feeling the need” to accomplish the task. Your gut, your heart, your spirit are starting to “rumble” a bit…you may be feeling the “pain” of not doing something, so you are inching towards fully committing, but something is still holding you back. You will accomplish things more from this level that the “I should” and the “I want”, yet it still isn’t the full-on, mind, body, spirit approach that level Four has.
Level Four: “I will”
At this level you are ALL-IN. Every ounce of your being, spirit, body, mind, etc. is fully COMMITTED to accomplishing the task at end. And even more importantly you remove all obstacles at this level, where nothing else exists excepy your focus and determination to accomplish this task. Distractions are nothing to you at this level because they do not matter, the only things that matters is finishing the task at a level 10 and being rewarded with the RESULTS you deserve in life – personally or professionally.
Be conscious of your language my friends and be aware of the levels of commitment as you go about your life, because until you CHOOSE to commit at the “I will” level, you will never achieve the things in your life that are most important to you. Take some time to reflect and figure out what those things are and then go after them with the Level Four COMMITMENT and you will see the Results of your hard work, focus and determination.
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”