The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley & Danko)

This is one of the first books that I ever read when beginning my financial independence journey. It is a #1 Best Seller and I recommend it to be one of the books in your success library as it will have a big impact on your life.
It was an eye-opening book in that it really helped me understand that millionaires were not people that lived “up on the hill,” that more often than not they lived right next door to you….and that’s what helped make them a millionaire!
It’s important to embrace the fact that all of your hopes and dreams will not come true unless you have the resources to make them happen. It is important to learn from this book that is so well researched and identifies some of the key factors that affluent people and families commit to in order to live the lifestyle of their choosing. This is a must read book folks, as this is the stuff that is not being taught anywhere!
The 3 main lessons I took from this book are:
1. There are 2 main categories of people; PAW’s (Prodigous accumulator’s of wealth) and UAW’s (Under accumulator of wealth. ) After reading this book I significantly changed my attention and lifestyle to follow the “rules” of the PAW’s…and 10 years later I am happy to report IT WORKS!!
2. The list of research stats of how PAW’s/Wealthy/Millionaires live. It is astonishing that they are just like you and me, they just pay more attention to their money (in all aspects) and live below their means. They didn’t have anything “handed” to them, they earned it.
3. Frugal, Frugal, Frugal. They PAY ATTENTION to every cent and know where it is going. They have their money work for them versus working for more money…and when you have the combination of earned income and passive income from investments, you are well on your way to becoming a millionaire.
I can’t recommend this book any higher my friends as one of the many books/programs out there that will support you in creating more resources for you and your family. You deserve to achieve all that the world has to offer you, yet you can’t do it without the resources you need and what to do with those resources….this book will be one that will get you started in the right direction! Enjoy the journey!
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”