The No Complaining Rule by Jon Gordon

Another great book from Mr. Gordon in my opinion. I very much enjoyed another one of his books “The Energy Bus” as well. This particular book focused primarily on the “power” of negativity in the workplace and in our lives and that by instituting a “no complaining rule” and supporting it, we can create a whole new environment for us to begin to thrive in.
Complaining is just bad energy my friends, it sucks the life out of you and everyone that is a part of the conversation, yet it is so easy to do! This book helped raise my level of awareness to notice even the smallest of complaints that were coming out of mouth…at least now I can stop myself before I even begin, as I am COMMITTED to creating a positive environment for my family, friends, and people I serve to grow and develop and that only happens when we begin the journey of removing complaining from our lives.
Here are 3 of the lessons that I have taken from this great little read:
1. Negativity costs the US economy between $250-300 BILLION DOLLARS in lost productivity according to the Gallup organization. That is alot of money that can be used in many areas of our world instead of being wasted on people focusing on what is wrong versus what is right in their worlds.
2. The two main reasons that people complain: 1. Because they are fearful and think they are helpless, 2. Because it has become a habit. We become our environment in my opinion and if we are around complainers, we tend to become complainers. Choose to make a commitment to not be that way and to surround yourself with people that focus on the positives and the opportunities that exist in our lives and to do something about the various “challenges” that we may be facing.
3. It’s easy to be positive when things are going well, the real challenge is can you remain positive in the face of your doubts, fears, and challenges? I love being around optimistic, passionate and driven people because they believe in a better outcome, they believe that with the support of others they will accomplish what they set their mind to – no matter the obstacles. They use all of their energy towards accomplishing things and building relationships versus wasting energy on complaining, whining, and moaning.
This book has some really great insights and is an entertaining story to read. Not only that, but he includes a list of things to do to replace complaining, as well as how to incorporate the “No Complaining Rule” into your personal and professional lives. I highly recommend that you add this wonderful book to your success library.
In Service to your Success,
The Team