The One Minute Millionaire (Hansen & Allen)

This book is one of the most unique writings of a book that I have seen. It is written in 2 formats….for those of us that like visuals, facts, etc. or for those of us that like stories and metaphors – it has both!
You can choose to read the book via either “format” to ensure that you get the most out of this fantastic book. It is one of the better “reads” that I have come across on the topic of creating the wealth that you and your family deserve.
They give outstanding insights, tools, and applications on how to successfully create the level of abundance that you desire….and this book is not “fluff” ladies and gentlemen, this is the real deal. I strongly encourage you to pick this book up and add it to your success library and take the necessary steps towards applying the principles of the enlightened way of wealth.
The 3 main lessons that I took from this book are:
1. There are four major ways of becoming a millionaire. It is mastering one of these 4 areas; investments, real estate, business, or the internet. Becoming a master in any of these areas will increase your “marketability” in the world, which will allow you to create your own destiny.
2. All money matters! Every cent must be respected and focused on. If you don’t pay attention or get lazy in your financial matters, you will suffer the consequences. On the flip side, when you do pay attention to every cent, focus on your outcomes, put a plan in place, and respect the process of creating wealth, you will also have consequences – in this case, very positive and affluent consequences!
3. Study, learn, and apply the principles of the wealthy. This is huge my friends, model what has worked for generations of wealthy and successful people – don’t re-create the wheel! The only thing that will stop these time-tested principles from working is if you think you have a better idea! Use the principles, live the principles and watch the abundance being created in your life. Put in the work and you will find yourself continuing to move forward financially.
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”