The Power of Focus by Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt

What a great book that is full of great questions, worksheets and resources to help you achieve your goals and targets in the world – personally and professionally. Much of our success in life depends on not having more time, but on us choosing what we do with the amount of time we all have been given. All of us have been given the same amount each day of only one thing….TIME. Focus = Freedom.
This book is a great read and takes you through many aspects of life. There are great stories, great information, and great strategies towards achieving all of the things you deserve to achieve. I can’t recommend this book high enough in that it really is more of a “workbook” to create the level of success you desire…don’t hesitate my friends, get this in your Success Library now and begin the journey with these master authors. Your business, personal and financial targets await!
3 of the main things that I have taken from this book are:
1. Nothing in your life changes until you do. This statement in the habits section of the book really hit me. I can’t expect any aspect of my life to change without changing the things I focus on and do on a daily basis.
2. There are 2 major pains in life – the pain of regret or the pain of discipline. You will choose one of these two paths for all aspects of your life. This awareness inspired me to choose the pain of discipline to take charge and make things happen in my life by focusing on what is most important and taking massive action towards it….versus choosing the pain of regret and continually asking myself, what if?
3. On average people watch an average of 6.5 hours of TV per day!! That equates out to be over 11 years of your life being in front of a TV. No wonder our society is more over-weight and depressed than ever before – we are not out dreaming, doing, and achieving! This fact reinforced the importance of my focus being on priorities in my life that truly are getting me to move forward towards my hopes and dreams.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I encourage you…pick up this book, read it, and use it as an on-going resource/workbook to take your business and personal life to the next level! Happy Reading!
In Your Service
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”