The Speed Of Trust – Stephen MR Covey

WOW! This book is full of information, research, great quotes, and wonderful insights on one of the most critical elements of success and happiness – TRUST. Mr. Covey follows in his father’s footsteps in putting together a very thorough book that has golden nuggets that can be used immediately in your professional and personal life. And as the subtitle states, Trust is the one thing that changes everything – I couldn’t agree more.

The lessons I have taken from this book are too numerous to list, so I will do my best to capture 3 of them here:

1. The Trust Equation, or at least that’s how I refer to it. It states that as your Trust goes up; your speed increases and your costs decrease. If your Trust goes down; your speed decreases and your costs increase. In my professional experience over the past 20 years or so I can certainly attest to that. When you are working on a team or in a relationship where there is trust, things tend to go very smooth. When you don’t have trust there is so much second-guessing, finger pointing, and lack of decision-making, which equals loss of productivity and higher costs. Choose to build relationships and organizations on the foundation of Trust.

2. We tend to Trust people in our lives in two main categories; Competence and Character. I look at that as who they are and what they are able to do. Think about that. It’s not just one or the other, we base the level of Trust we give to someone based off of both categories. This was a great “identifier” for me in that when I am in a professional relationship with someone and I am getting the feeling they may not fully trust me, I can look at these two areas and ensure to communicate in both areas effectively to hopefully raise that level of trust. I go into relationships now, understanding that I must earn their trust in both areas in order to build a win/win relationship.

3. “Self trust is the first secret to success.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. I am a big believer that you cannot give something to others that you don’t have for yourself. The lesson there is to ensure you TRUST YOURSELF. You have so many of the “answers” to your life questions inside of you, if you would just look within and trust yourself – give it a shot, I believe you will be surprised at the results.

I could go on and on with the lessons from this book and although it has a lot of information to get through, it is well worth the investment of time and energy in doing so. I highly recommend that this book is on your “to read” list and in your Success and Happiness Library as soon as possible. Trust me. 🙂

In service to your success,

Brandon W. Johnson
Positive Energy Guy

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Award-winning Author, Speaker, & Trainer (more importantly, a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend), Brandon W. Johnson, a.k.a., "Positive Energy Guy"