See It. Plan It. Believe It. Do It.
When you look at your Life, you either have REASONS (Bad Wolf)
or you have RESULTS (Good Wolf).
REASONS = a life of frustration, excuses, and giving your power to others.
RESULTS = a life that is full of success, happiness, and fulfillment.
The Two Wolves
An old Indian Grandfather said to his grandson
who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice,
"Let me tell you a story. I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those that have taken so much
with no sorrow for what they do. But hate wears you down and does not hurt your enemy. It is like taking poison
and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times." He continued....
"It is as if there are two wolves inside me; One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony
with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when
it is right to do so, and in the right way. He saves all his energy for the right fight.
But the other wolf, ahhh! He is full of anger. The littlest thing will set him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone,
all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing.
Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them want to dominate my spirit."
The boy looked intently into his Grandfather's eyes and asked...
"Which one wins, Grandfather?" The Grandfather smiled and quietly said,
"The one I feed."
HEART of a Warrior Will Feed the Good Wolf my friends.
What "HEART of a Warrior" Graduates are saying:
"I've been in the training and development field for 30 years and during that time I've attended the world's best trainings. Of my top 5 recommended trainings, 2 of them are run by Brandon W. Johnson. One is "HEART of a Leader", the other is "HEART of a Warrior."
In my mind it's pretty simple - if you want to get the most out of your life, DO ALL YOU CAN TO ATTEND THESE TRAININGS."
Alan Lewis, HEART Warrior, Team 12
"HEART of a Warrior" picks up right where "HEART of a Leader" left off and continues to push you beyond what you ever imagined. You must recognize and be the powerful and amazing person you know you are in order to complete the incredible tasks and you will grow more than I can express. There is truly no way that my words can do this justice. It will make you stronger, bigger, and better. Don’t consider it; just do what it takes to attend. You won’t regret it!"
Katelyn Santy, HEART Warrior, Team 15
"HEART of a Warrior" was the most powerful and life-altering thing that I have ever done - and I thought "HEART of a Leader" was amazing. My life and how I see those whom I meet will never be the same.”
Julie Meyer, HEART Warrior, Team 12
"You will never regret this investment into your future. And the return of time, money and resources will come back to you IMMEDIATELY after this training. You have A TON to give to the world; don't sell yourself short by keeping yourself SMALL! Take the next step! Get there! DO WHAT IT TAKES!"
Sarah Hope, HEART Warrior, Team 14
"Remember the apprehensions before "HEART of a Leader?" Oh, they came back for this one too. Should I really sign up? It's a large investment. I don't know about it all again.
BUT I CUT THROUGH THAT CRAP, SIGNED UP, AND AFTER COMPLETING "HEART of a Warrior", I CANNOT IMAGINE NOT DOING IT! Act now! Take the next step! There will always be hesitation! It will never be the right time! Just do it! You'll be glad you did!"
Amiee Blaisdell, HEART Warrior, Team 15
"WOW - are there enough words? HEART of a Warrior is one of the most powerful ah-ha moments of my life. It brought me back to my heart. If you are not sure of who you are, or if you lost who you are, or if you have let others define who you are - these 3 days will be by FAR the best investment in yourself you will EVER have the privilege of experiencing!"
"Jessant" Joyce Coulter, HEART Warrior, Team 28
"My life is forever changed! My heart is so full, yet so free, and my brain so uncluttered! These 3 days of HEART of a Warrior are such a testament to what focus on oneself combined with a true commitment from yourself and your team can do to really create greatness! I will be a guiding light in a world of darkness and I thank you for giving me the tools to see that potential!"
"Just Do It" Jennifer Ogle, HEART Warrior, Team 28
"I often wonder whether the money and time invested into HEART of a Warrior would be worth it. I can confirm it was worth every penny! It wasn't just about trusting the process but trusting yourself and your teammates. What a fantastic experience - the bad wolf will never darken my doorstep again."
Nancy Johnston, HEART Warrior, Team 28
"WOW....WOW....WOW! After experiencing HEART of a Leader I thought that I couldn't be elevated to a new level. I was incorrect, HEART of a Warrior brought a new level of commitment to my life, personally & professionally! I would strongly recommend attending HEART of a Warrior to anyone that has completed HEART of a Leader. If you are committed to taking your life to a new level of commitment and action, then it is time for you to SEE IT, PLAN IT, BELIEVE IT, and DO IT!"
Steve Johnston, HEART Warrior, Team 28
"Brandon and HEART of a Warrior are life changers. They are worth any investment! I can conquer the world both personally and professionally with the lessons I've learned!"
Jennie Gearhardt, HEART Warrior, Team 29
"Time and space do not afford me the opportunity to say all that is in my heart. For now, let me just say "THANK YOU!" This experience is not for you if you are happy with the status quo and feel you are already at your final destination. Only growers need apply! 🙂
Robert Godfrey, HEART Warrior, Team 29
"Not only life-changing, this HEART of a Warrior training will impact generations to come for the better."
Catherine Grant, HEART Warrior, Team 29
HEART of a Warrior
- Prerequisite: Graduate of "HEART of a Leader"
- 3-Day Leadership Intensive
- Limited to 10-16 people per training
- Indoors and outdoors
- Highly interactive and challenging
- Leadership investment is $1495 per person (includes food, housing & training)
- Payment plans available - my family and I will work with you to make it work if you are FULLY COMMITTED.
Open Enrollment Dates:
- TBD 2022 or beyond?
My Personal Guarantee
Attend the three day "HEART of a Warrior" training and if you don't believe it's one of the best leadership trainings you've ever attended, just tell me and I'll refund your training fee.
No Questions. No Excuses. No Reasons.

Brandon W. Johnson - Positive Energy Guy