What I Have Learned – #10 (October 2020)

I have learned that equal opportunities in life do not equate to equal outcomes.
I have learned that until I let go of the past I will never be able to create my best future.
I have learned that mentoring others is one of my favorite things to do.
I have learned that some things that work for others don’t work for me.
I have learned that other people’s opinion of me is none of my business.
I have learned that being able to laugh at myself will always be the best medicine.
I have learned that if I want a better life it is up to me, and only me, to create that life.
I have learned that I am and have become my beliefs about myself.
I have learned that without new ideas or additional ways of thinking I will never fully mature as a human being.
I have learned that blaming anything or anyone for any aspect of my life is just an excuse for me to not have to do anything about it.