What I Have Learned – #13 (January 2021)

I have learned that watching DIY videos is awesome and they help me decide whether or not to “bring in the professionals” when doing home projects.
I have learned that I really miss planning and going on hiking adventures in the mountains.
I have learned that helping others fill their energy tanks also fills mine.
I have learned that when I underestimate myself it tends to make life much more difficult than it is.
I have learned that most politicians only want three things from you – your vote, your money (taxes), and your support (more money/donations).
I have learned that snowshoeing is a fantastic form of exercise, a great way to relax, and gets me some much needed time with Mother Nature.
I have learned to stay focused on my outcome yet be flexible with on how to get there along the way.
I have learned that being good in the kitchen saves the family a lot of time and money AND provides us with good, healthy and nutritious meals (most of the time).
I have learned that I love watching our kids learn new things.
I have learned that almost everything in life first starts out to be hard, yet over time with practice, they become much easier.