What I Have Learned – #15 (March 2021)

I have learned that giving with no expectation of return is the best form of giving.
I have learned that I am the one that has caused the majority of my suffering.
I have learned that my time is much more valuable than money.
I have learned that to do a “professional” job caulking your counters use painters tape to outline your caulk line.
I have learned that my income grows only when I grow.
I have learned to beware of the unearned wisdom coming from various sources in the world.
I have learned that me not accepting my gifts earlier on in my journey of life was not about me not knowing my gifts, it was about me being worried about what others would say/think about me sharing those gifts.
I have learned that I cannot shrink myself to greatness in any area of my life.
I have learned that hate, anger, blame, and reasons/excuses will never create peace, love, unity and change.
I have learned that where I came from is not the same place that I am going.