What I Have Learned – #18 (June 2021)

I have learned that it is important to face my fear(s) and do it anyway.
I have learned that life is “hard”, yet my daily choices are what creates the level of “hardness” that I experience.
I have learned to stop being so busy “doing” and to really enjoy every moment of “being.”
I have learned that I don’t have to hurt others in order to win at things in life.
I have learned that winning on the outside really means nothing unless I am winning on the inside.
I have learned for anything in my life to change, I must change.
I have learned to embrace all of my breakdowns along my journey because they led me to the option of having breakthroughs.
I have learned that if I have not experienced or lived it, I have no right to teach it.
I have learned that life is not about finding myself; it is about the daily development of myself.
I have learned that trust is at the core of every healthy relationship.