What I Have Learned – #28 (April 2022)

I have learned to only take advice from people that have actually accomplished/done what it is they are sharing advice about.
I have learned that I can be happy anywhere/wherever I am.
I have learned that when I want better ideas I must read better books.
I have learned that success comes after working harder than anyone expects of you.
I have learned that being closed minded stops any and all growth from happening.
I have learned that when I chase two rabbits, both escape.
I have learned that all of the outside support doesn’t matter if I am not doing the inner work necessary to sustain success and happiness.
I have learned that I must be and do in my life what it is I want to attract into my life.
I have learned that nothing gets better until I get better.
I have learned that it is not the weight that I carry as much as it is how I choose to carry that weight.