What I Have Learned – #34 (October 2022)

I have learned to keep life simple and focus on two main things every day and that is to grow and to give.
I have learned that continued research is showing that what is good for the climate may not always be what is good for the environment.
I have learned that I never become poorer by learning more.
I have learned that disagreement is healthy and that it is disappointing when people would rather immediately label the disagreement as hate.
I have learned that there is zero percent chance of success if I don’t take any action.
I have learned that excuses have never made my life better.
I have learned to be proud of the life we have created, yet not be arrogant.
I have learned that I am not promised anything in this world.
I have learned to think about money for what it can earn versus what it can buy.
I have learned that there is so much more good in this world than what the media and politicians would like me to believe.