What I Have Learned – #41 (May 2023)

I have learned that life is happening fast and being in the moment is priceless.
I have learned that my Dad left an incredible positive impact on people while on this earth.
I have learned that my Dad will never be forgotten.
I have learned that my Dad will always remain my role model for leaving people and things better than I found them.
I have learned that achieving financial independence has created many options and freedoms for our family that we are grateful for.
I have learned that many people miss out on their life because they are too busy thinking about it.
I have learned that I tend to get in life what I give.
I have learned that the best thing I can do for this world is to be present and love my family.
I have learned that the tough times have taught me the most valuable lessons.
I have learned to find meaning and joy in every day life.