What I Have Learned – #42 (June 2023)

I have learned that my legacy will be determined by what I do, not by what I say.
I have learned that life will never fully make sense and accepting that creates a sense of calm within me.
I have learned to not fight the old and just focus my energy on creating the new.
I have learned that every day is a good day if I want it to be.
I have learned that if I want different and better results I have to do different and better things.
I have learned that I am blessed and grateful.
I have learned that I don’t get in life what I want; I get in life what I am.
I have learned that some of the missed opportunities in life were simply because I wasn’t ready for those opportunities.
I have learned that we are all weird and we bless this world by sharing our weirdness.
I have learned that there are consequences and costs when I choose to play small in this world.