What I Have Learned – #49 (January 2024)

I have learned to always do my best, yet never take myself too seriously.
I have learned that many Americans did not know or have forgotten that we are a constitutional republic and not a democracy.
I have learned to always surround myself with people that will challenge me.
I have learned that passions are developed much more than they are discovered.
I have learned that I cannot change a person’s mind; I can only hope to help open it.
I have learned that humans disappoint me when they don’t put their shopping carts in the cart corral.
I have learned that when I let others do the thinking for me, it tends to benefit them much more than me.
I have learned that I am the result of my past decisions.
I have learned that when an issue in my life arises to always look at myself first and how I played a role in creating it.
I have learned that everything that happens in my life is a lesson for me to learn from.