What I Have Learned – #51 (March 2024)

What I Have Learned – Volume 51 (March 2024)
I have learned that it is more important to add life to my remaining years vs. just focusing on adding more years to my life.
I have learned that people see what they want to see.
I have learned that there is always an excuse available for not doing something.
I have learned that it is an energy filler to dream big.
I have learned that the best way to learn is to fail.
I have learned that happy people are more productive and create more results than unhappy people.
I have learned that it is mostly my mind that resists change.
I have learned that I may not always make the best choice, but I have a chance to make a better choice the next time.
I have learned that every human being matters.
I have learned that I don’t know my future, but I do know that the future doesn’t happen unless I start to create it.