What I Have Learned – #53 (May 2024)

I have learned to never underestimate the energy and power of connection I feel when meeting a new person with similar interests.
I have learned that it is critically important to always start with choosing reality when making decisions for my future.
I have learned that I want the true data without all the drama.
I have learned to approach life with a beginner’s curiosity, attitude and mindset.
I have learned that vague and unclear plans will lead to vague and unclear results.
I have learned that some people don’t actually want help – they want attention.
I have learned that it is important to never compare grief journeys.
I have learned that the stories I tell myself matter. A lot.
I have learned that laughing out loud does the body and soul good.
I have learned that thinking for myself can be difficult and hard work and that’s why many people tend to not do it.