What I Have Learned – #3

I have learned that using an independent insurance broker can save us thousands of dollars annually on our auto and home insurance.
I have learned that there is a huge difference in being busy and being productive.
I have learned that I am either working on my/our dreams or I am working for someone else and their dreams.
I have learned that our family having weekly financial meetings not only is helping our children right now with their financial literacy, we are helping to create a strong foundation for them that will last a lifetime.
I have learned that I feel so much better at the end of each day when I don’t allow distractions of this world to take me away from my daily priorities.
I have learned that much more success and happiness comes when I focus on what I am versus on what I am not.
I have learned that playing “not to lose” in business and in life is a losing proposition almost every time.
I have learned that I should not be left unsupervised in two places – a bookstore and a craft beer store.
I have learned that I cannot outwork/exercise away a bad diet when it comes to my health.
I have learned that showing others and myself some grace periodically is one of the keys to a happy and successful life.