What I Learned – Volume 1

I am all about energy my friends….and sometimes it comes in the form of intuition or feelings. And I’ve realized that blogging is not “my thing” – yet want to continue to use this medium to stay in contact with the tribe and keep the website “fresh” as well. So I am embarking on a new “energy” or inspiration….and that is to just randomly share 5-10 things that I’ve learned over the past month or so and share them with you. My hope is that the lessons will spark some reflection on your part, as well as an appreciation for the importance of being aware and open to the many lessons that are happening around us every single day.
So with that….
Volume 1 of “What I Learned”:
I learned from traveling to China this past September that one must commit to seeing other parts of the country and world to really begin the true understanding and appreciation for other humans.
I learned that traveling with positive and awesome people is the only way to travel. Thank you Positive Energy People for coming on those bi-annual adventures with me!
I learned that staying fully committed – intellectually, physically, and emotionally – to anything, is the only way to get Extraordinary results in business and in life.
I learned that doing what everyone else is doing is not the way to long-term happiness in your career and life.
I learned that our head will always look to make things more complicated and difficult than things really are – another reminder to lead more from your HEART my friends.
I learned that celebrating my birth month is much more awesome than just celebrating my birth day.
I learned that taking control of your financial life creates so much more freedoms for you and your family.
I learned that relationships are best when there are no hidden agendas and that all parties involved are fully committed (see above). Otherwise, don’t be in that relationship.
I learned that taking the time for reflection and planning for your future (short and long-term) is critical to your enjoyment and happiness on this journey of life.
I learned that my tribe and people I have the opportunity to serve are all unique energies, are extremely talented, have huge HEARTs, and are all awesome. Grateful, humbled, and honored to be in the presence of such greatness.