What I Have Learned – #6 (June 2020)

I have learned that Yoda’s suggestion that “You must unlearn what you have learned” is still a powerful lesson in today’s world.
I have learned that the practice of patience really does build that “muscle” to be a positive resource in good times and in bad.
I have learned that having a dog is one of our family’s best decisions as the ones we have been blessed with have always brought so much love, energy and joy to our family.
I have learned that being flexible is a character trait that can add a tremendous amount of success and happiness to everyone around me – including myself.
I have learned that reading about something is not nearly as powerful as going to, seeing, and feeling that place in person.
I have learned that revisiting my favorite books periodically brings about a renewed energy of gratitude of the profound impact they had on me during my journey.
I have learned that coming together with a group of people that are committed to a service project is one of the best ways to give back and add positive energy into this world.
I have learned that being too emotional in any decision in life can lead to some challenges – finding the ability to get centered, breathe, reflect, and then using both your head and your heart in your decisions will lead to much better outcomes.
I have learned that there are many happy and successful people out there in the world that are more than happy to answer my questions and/or mentor me on my journey – I just needed to be humble and courageous enough to ask.
I have learned that I still have so much to learn.