What is Your Giving Commitment/Pledge

I have been humbled and inspired by the continued works of Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as Warren Buffett. The three of them are having such a profound impact on the non-profit world, not only now, but into the future. I just finished re-reading an article from the July 5, 2010 Fortune Magazine (The $600 Billion Challenge) where it shared that the 3 of them have been traveling the world having private dinners with the world’s richest people and families.
Their intention is to dialogue and educate people on the importance of making pledges to the non-profit/charity world and to take the time to seriously consider how much they are committed to give and to what groups they believe in and want to support. Think of that….3 of the wealthiest people in the world taking the time, energy, and passion to reach out to others in order to convince them of giving their wealth to causes they believe in and that will have a positive impact on the world! I find that incredibly inspiring!
As they are visiting with the various people and sharing stories of giving and their long-term desires, they are asking their target audience (billionaires) to make a moral pledge that they will give 50% or more of their wealth to charities over their lifetime or at time of death. Can you imagine the impact that will have on the world? It takes an enormous amount of humility, honor, and commitment to make such a pledge and it is inspiring to learn that Melinda, Bill, and Warren’s “crusade” is reaping benefits as more and more of their dinner party attendee’s are stepping up to make such a commitment.
It is leaders and people like them that make my heart “sing” knowing that there is many GREAT people out there in the world and it’s nice to see the focus be put towards making a difference in this world versus sitting back and not doing anything. In fact, Warren’s personal pledge is that he will have given 99% of his wealth to charities by the time of his death. THAT IS AN AMAZING COMMITMENT! What a tremendous man and inspiration to the rest of us to see what we can do to give some of our wealth that we create over our lifetime to causes and organizations that we believe in.
What will your Philanthropic Pledge be?
In Service to Your Success,
Brandon Johnson
“The Positive Energy Guy”