Your Energy is Everything!

Your Energy is everything.
I visited two different hotels during my latest training and speaking adventures. One that I will not return to and the other one being my hotel of choice for that area.
The first one has just been newly renovated and updated – a very beautiful facility with modern architecture, contemporary decor and new furnishings. It has many of the newer “bells and whistles” that the modern traveler has become accustomed to.
The other one being an older hotel with the basic amenities that cover the needs for any traveler. When I walked into the lobby of the first one it had the smell of new carpet, paint, etc. and looked fantastic. I walked up to the desk and the young lady behind the desk is talking on her cell phone, eating a candy bar and gives me the look of I’ll be with you in a minute when I’m done talking to my friend. And sure enough, she tells her friend, I’ll call you back, I HAVE TO check somebody in. The rest of the process goes very similarly, as if I am an inconvenience to her. Her Energy is what I would classify as “negative” and I definitely didn’t Feel welcome.
The other lobby was quiet, quaint and simple and as I opened the door to enter the lobby a young lady behind the desk looks up with a huge smile and says, “Hello Sir, how are you this evening?.” The entire process of checking in was fantastic. She explained and convinced me of signing up for their rewards program and then encouraged me to have some warm soup now and stop down later for some warm cookies. Needless to say, the Energy she demonstrated and the Feeling I got from this hotel/business made me want to come back there again and again.
Even though that the “cover” of the first hotel is awesome, looks great and is shiny and new, the Energy of the people throughout my visit convinced me that I would never stay there again. Why would I invest into something that doesn’t make me Feel good?
The other one being simple and nice has such an incredible Energy and Feeling of hospitality to it that for me the choice is simple. I will always go with the best Energy and Feeling that I get from the people and product of a business. And I believe that almost every other customer will do the same thing.
I tell you all that to ask you this, are you a candidate that brings Energy to your resume, to your interviews, to your networking, to your career, and to your life? Whether you have Energy or you don’t, people notice. And I believe in this marketplace, employers are in need of people that bring a certain Energy with them that is contagious and brings positive results and Feelings to their customers and other team members.
What kind of Energy are you bringing to the world?
In Service to your Success,
Brandon Johnson
“Positive Energy Guy”